How to Get the Most Out of Your Camera on African Safari

How to Get the Most Out of Your Camera on African Safari

By: Tromas 10k 32k

Every year, thousands of travellers’ flock to Africa by taking direct flights to Johannesburg from UK, in the hopes of capturing the ultimate wildlife photographs. It's safari time, and you're thrilled to be going on this once-in-a-lifetime adventure! Perhaps you'll be travelling alone, or perhaps you'll be accompanied by your family. In any case, your camera will be with you the entire time. Here are some pointers to help you make the most of this adventurous holiday photographs.


Obviously, your camera is the most crucial aspect. When that perfect opportunity comes itself, knowing how to use your equipment and how to get the most out of it is critical. If you've booked a safari, you've most likely spent a significant amount of money on tickets and lodging which can be overcome by finding cheap flights to Johannesburg. But you should not skimp on camera equipment at this point if you want to capture the photographs you've always wanted - you won't be able to do it with a smartphone or a point-and-shoot. If you decide to invest in a good camera, spend some time getting to know how to operate it before your trip


A lens with a focal length of at least 200mm is almost essential for getting close to the wildlife and birds you'll see on safari. It can be a zoom, and if you don't want to spend a lot of money on lenses, an 18-200mm lens is a good place to start. If you're taking an all-in-one camera, one with a 20x zoom will come in handy. However, it will provide you with photographs that are unequalled.


Good light is essential to good photography, and nature photography is no different. Your images will be flat and uninteresting no matter how costly your gear is if you don't have good light. Getting the greatest images from your trip may necessitate some sleep deprivation. Because many animals withdraw to the shade during the day's heat, waking up before daybreak will provide the best light and most opportunity for active wildlife. Similarly, when the sun sets on the horizon, nightfall is an ideal time to photograph animals waking up from their afternoon naps.


Although game drives are by far the most popular way of seeing wildlife in Africa, there are a variety of alternative options. Walking safaris allow you to get down on the ground and view sights that you may miss in a car. While biking trips are a fun way to stay active while on safari, they aren't ideal for photography because bikes and cameras don't mix well. Safari businesses will give you a whole different perspective of Africa if you want to splurge.


Don't worry about centring the animals in your frame all of the time. It's natural to put the topic in the middle, but it's not necessarily an artistically fascinating choice. Before you travel, do some homework on the Rule of Thirds. There are other additional composition techniques to learn, but if you only have time for one, start with the Rule of Thirds. If an animal or human appears in the scene and is gazing in a specific direction, move them to the opposite side.


When photographing animals, we use a shallow depth of field to make the animal stand out against distracting backgrounds like foliage. You can also utilise a faster shutter speed, which reduces camera wobble and freezes movement. People frequently overlook less sharpness in other body parts as long as the eyes are razor-sharp. As a result, it's critical to keep your attention on your eyes at all times.


Great wildlife photography requires a lot of patience. It's better to stick with a potentially good sighting than to drive from animal to animal. Spending time with the animals will allow you to observe some fascinating animal behaviour. The most gratifying animal images are usually those that show interaction or action, which necessitates expectation and patience.
Now you get the require information about safari photography but still if you need guidance check out our Insider's Guide: Top Wildlife Photography Spots in South Africa and don’t forget to sign up for the Reliance Travel newsletter.

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